Saturday, October 26, 2013

Birthday boy!

Our sweet baby boy turned 2 on 10-10. He partied all week and reaped the benefits of a sugar high for days!

  Darcie and Jill weren't able to come to the party, so they spoiled him on his actual birthday with this cool Lego set! 

 How do you open this papa? 
He is totally into fixing things these days, so Claire's toolbox gift took the prize! 
 So, now that my awesome old neighbor no longer does cakes, I am left to fend for myself when providing treats for parties! I have resorted to cupcakes from our favorite cupcake shop as I have no cake making talent whatsoever! As I was driving to the cupcake shop that Sunday morning before his party, I see a big CLOSED sign on the door! Oh no! Now this totally qualifies me as mother slacker, no cake, waiting to the 11th hour to get the dessert! So, luckily our new Hyvee makes these fancy little treats we gobbled up. Sugar is sugar right? 

Thanks for everyone who helped him celebrate,  sent gifts, texts, or cards! 

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