Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bittersweet moments

The day finally came, after many set backs, our new house was done and we had to say goodbye to Florence Drive. This is the neighborhood we have called home for 10 years. This was our first home as a married couple, the home we brought our 3 babies home to. Our awesome neighbors who will be everlasting friends, hosted a going away party for us. It was one last time for these kids who have grown up together to play together. We will ( and do!!) miss all of them dearly. 

Moving day finally came and with the assistance of Two Men and a Truck, we put our lives into a giant truck. I was skeptical they would get everything in the truck, but sure enough they did. These guys rock..earned every penny I paid them! 
They started before I got back from taking Carter to school so I didn't get an "empty" picture, but this is the end result! Room to spare! 
Moving day also happened to be the first day of school. Not had we intended or planned it in any way! I think my stress level that week was sky high. But, many things were out of my hands, and of course everything fell into place. Carter started second grade on August 14th at a new school, Walnut Hills Elementary. I was beyond nervous for him. He seemed okay, saying it was kinda like going to kindergarten for the first time, not knowing anyone. I took him to school and we quickly found his teacher. His teacher is a new grad 
(makes me more nervous) but so far Ms Winter has proved to be excellent! The second day Carter rode the bus from our new house ( made me nervous as well) as he is the only kid to get on at our stop and has no clue what our neighborhood looks like. I gave the bus driver a long lecture that morning about making sure my precious boy got off at the right stop! I think Carter was probably rolling his eyes at me! Anyway, he made it home and on time!  
This is the last picture we have of a kiddo on the front step of our old house. Sounds silly I know, but this makes me sad! :( We truly were blessed with the best neighbors in the best neighborhood in the area! 

I'll post some pictures of the new digs soon! 

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