Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Catching up (story of my life!)

So this year's big adventure was the Adventureland Resort water park! My kids still don't expect big trips (maybe because we've never been on one) so as long as we can milk staying close to home for school breaks we will! The great thing about the water park at Adventureland was there was nobody there during the middle of the week! The kids had the whole place to themselves! Score! 


I like tradition and we've sorta set into an Easter tradition around here! Dye eggs, hunt eggs, church, buffet dinner at Prairie Meadows with the family. Repeat next year! 

The kids found this really cool decorating kit! Crazy faces and spiky hair eggs! It made it a little challenging to peel all these to make egg salad! I think they turned out great! 

 All ready for Church! 

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