Sharing his football cookies with his daycare friends!
The morning of his birthday, I told Case it was his special day and he could pick where we went out to eat to celebrate. He gives me a puzzled look and says, " I don't know what you mean?" I guess this is a good thing that he doesn't know what eating out is! He couldn't come up with any choices, so we picked OP for him so mom and dad could watch the Royals!
After dinner he opened some really rad gifts (Nerf guns, stomp rockets, new colors, an animal hopper, jousting sticks,) Thanks to everyone for all the cards, texts, calls and presents they sent!
On Sunday we had a family party for him with more presents and more sugar!
Big brother reading the cards to him
Case wanted a football cake for his birthday which is ironic because this is the same thing Carter picked for his 3rd birthday! De ja vu!
Make a wish big guy!
Testing out his new wheels from grandma and papa as well as the new batting gloves from Darcie and Jill!
When I think of this guy, so many thoughts go through my mind. He is super funny and outgoing around those he knows, but still shy in unfamilar situations. He is our buffer child. He and Carter get along really well and he and " he he" his name for Claire (sissy) can play together for hours without a single arguement (throw Carter and Claire together and it isn't the same story) He LOVES all things boy (dirt, wrestling, sports, sweat, swords, guns, farting, running around shirtless, showing off his muscles, etc) but is also content to play house, dress up, color or make a craft. As the third child he has been towed to so many things and never really complains. He is the kids biggest cheerleader! He is great at entertaining himself and has an enormous imagination!
Heading to school to pick up the kids
Safey first, always wear a mouth guard when riding inflatable animals.
He is super athletic and can turn anything into a bat and throw the football further than I can!
So scary!
Last week he transitioned from the hospital daycare to our favorite preschool Kids Company.
Although my baby is now a big boy, he still wants to be held and rocked at the end of the day and I am holding onto this special time as long as I can ( its totally okay to rock an 18 year old right?) I snapped this picture of him one morning as it reminded me of him sleeping as a baby.
Happy birthday big guy! We love you to the moon and back, now quit growing up!