Saturday, August 2, 2014

Claire's 6th birthday!

Where has time gone? I can't believe 6 years has passed since that early morning in July when the Dr said, " You have a sweet baby girl here" I am so grateful for her and all the amazing qualities she possesses. She is so kind, so helpful to her siblings and friends, always willing to try new things, loves all things girly, but isn't afraid to wrestle with the boys, loves to shop, and advises me on my clothing choices these days. She is turning into quite a young lady. Kindergarten is right around the corner for her and this has me with mixed emotions. Case and I will miss her so much on our stay at home days! Once again, we opted to for go a "friend" party and let her pick something fun to do, so she came up with camping! Now, we kind of luck out here, because Darcie and Jill happen to have a nice travel trailer with all the amenities of camping you need, air conditioning, bathroom, beds, refrigerator, etc, yes, my kind of camping! Darcie and Jill secured the perfect spot at Saylorville lake for us and we couldn't have asked for better weather! 

I think she scored pretty big and got everything she asked for, money, pink slidders, Barbie gear and an American girl doll, Isabelle. 

Claire and Isabelle. Not sure who is more excited about this, Claire or I! Isabelle is the girl of the year and just happens to look like Claire with hazel eyes and dirty blond hair. 

Grandma and Grandpa made the trip out to help celebrate! 

Silly string fight! 

Carter teaching Case the game of Life, interesting enough, Carter ended up with a whole pile of money and Case ended up with nothing, hmmm, 

Saturday afternoon we went over to Big Creek to play at the beach and the cool playground there.

Darcie and Jill turned the kids into these cool mermaids and mermen! 

Oh boy, can you say sand everywhere? 

Silly pose! 

Who knew a bunch of glow bracelets could be so fun? 
Back at home Sunday night, Claire picked pizza (cheese of course) for her birthday dinner! As always, I interviewed her about her current favorite things and here is what she came up with! 

FAVORITE FOOD: Macaroni and cheese
FAVORITE BOOK: Isabelle ( book that came with her American girl doll)
FAVORITE TOY: Isabelle and Barbie's
WHO ARE SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS? Kaylee, Brenna, Case (awww)

WHAT IS THE MOST EXCITING THING ABOUT BEING 6? Hmmm, either getting to ride the bus, or going to school! 

Happy birthday Claire bear! 

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