Wednesday, May 8, 2013

18 (+++) months!

Our baby boy is not longer a baby....sniff sniff. He is an ambitious toddler who has seemed to grow up within a blink of an eye. I ask him daily, "How did you get so big?" He is the resident comedian, lover of all things electronic, future pitcher for the Chicago Cubs, climber of all furniture, and paci hoarder just to name of few of his antics. He had his 18 month check-up last week weighing in at 27.2 lbs (83%), 33 inches tall (62%) and a noggin of 19.5 inches (97%) We attribute the big head to his wicked smartness! The check-up went well with the exception of Dr Steve warning him he didn't want to see the paci next time he saw him. He is like a dog hiding bones with them. I swear I have them all picked up and he seems to find one stuffed under a bed, in the cupboard, in the cracks in his car seat, in the toy box, etc. 

Notice how many paci's he has here? 4!!

Goofball in the bathtub! 

 The weather has finally started to cooperate and one word he has down pat from his limited vocabulary is "outside" 

Every once in awhile he'll slow down long enough to cuddle with his favorite blanket, or better yet...

with grandma in the rocking chair. Not sure who is more worn out here! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is getting so big!!! We can't get the paci away from B either!! He is like a coon hound with those things! We need to get the boys together for a play date sometime soon! :)