Friday, June 29, 2012

My big boy

We have a mover on our hands! Case is days away from crawling and I have been following him around with the video camera to capture the moment. However he just stops what he is doing when I turn it on and stares blankly at me! He has mastered army crawling and has been finding himself in some pickles. I had also forgotten how good babies are at picking up the tiniest little thing they find on the floor! I have perfected my mouth sweep technique! 

 I think this is a modified downward dog! 
 8 months! 

 I've learned to clap!
Big boy tub! 

 I just love this picture! Man's best friend! 

 8 month fun facts:
1. Working on tooth #7!! I have a mouthful!
2. My nickname has been shortened from stinky to stink.
3. I am doing a little better with food. I will eat 7-10 bites of peaches, apricots, and sweet potatoes.
4. I am a super happy boy!
5. I love the water!
6. I have decided to sleep through the night again. 
7. I have stranger danger anxiety!
8. My favorite toys are the dog dish and the door stoppers.
9. I still look like my big brother!
10. I love to snuggle! 

1 comment:

Michel Family said...

Wow that's a lot lf teeth, Jillian only has 4, she wont eat regular food yet. If it involves chewing forget about it. Case looks so much like Carter.