Monday, October 25, 2010


It's seems like a while since I have posted anything about the kids. So here is a quick update all about them!

Carter: Last week he got promoted to a new belt level in Taekwondo. He is now a gold/white belt and this also means that he is no longer a Little Dragon, but a Little Tiger. He is very excited as "tigers are much cooler than dragons mom!" Although I knew he would do great I was so nervous for him. At promotion, the Master didn't call his name out to test with his normal group, telling him that he wanted to test him with the bigger kids. My stomach was already in knots and this about put me over the edge! Then, to top it off, the Master asked Carter how old he was after the test in front of everyone and proceeded to tell Carter that if he keeps up the great work, he will be a black belt earlier than he (the Master) was. This was huge for Carter as he really looks up to Master Miller. We are so proud of him. This has been such a great thing for Carter as Taekwondo is a great way for him to get out some excess energy, but also it has taught him to be more focused and respectful as well as helping out others. We really see a change in him at home and especially with his sister! He is a great helper around the house and isn't afraid to play babies with his sister! He is doing great in school and asks for "homework" at night so I have been bringing some worksheets home for him from work. He has been doing single digit math, telling time, counting by 2's, 5's and 10's to 100, and has started to read some 3 letter words. He continues to love history and can probably tell you the life story of just about any famous historical person!

Practicing his escape moves under Master Miller's watchful eye

Receiving his new belt!

Claire: Challenging!! I am not sure where our quiet little baby who never needed anything went too! She always has us on our toes! Although she is very frustrating at times, I am so glad she is a girl to be reckoned with! She is strong willed. She is bossy. She is stubborn. She knows how to get her way! However, she also is my miss manners child, always saying please and thank you! Her vocabulary is EXPLODING FINALLY! She is putting 2 and sometimes 3 words together and that has helped us with our frustration of trying to decipher what she wants. She is a HUGE tantrum thrower and unlike Carter who could work himself out of one in a couple of minutes, she will go on kicking and screaming for up to 45 minutes sometimes! She spends a lot of time in time out, but this doesn't phase her the way it did Carter. She LOVES "Ca Ca" (Carter) and makes sure to give him a hug and a kiss each morning before we head out the door. So far he is game to this but I know the day will come all too soon when he won't let her do this! She is EVERYTHING girls are! She has to have something pink on, something in her hair, her purse and her babies. She has a cell phone to her ear all the time. She loves shoes. She has to have her fingernails and toenails painted. She is organized and always puts things in their place. She is a little lady and wipes her mouth off after meals!

Applying her lipstick!

Talking on the phone!

Check out the fuzzy pink slippers!

Every girl loves a bubble bath!

1 comment:

Michel Family said...

Awesome! job Carter!, amazing how fast they grow. Claire is super girlie, I see. Love it!