Wednesday, January 23, 2013

15 months!

The caboose of our family is 15 months old already! He had well child check up last week and his stats are right on track! I always pull out Carter's stats and compare the two (bad I know) but they are so similar it is unreal! At this age Carter weighed the exact same (down to the ounce) but was 3 inches taller! 

Weight: 23.11 lbs ( 63%)
Height: 31.75 inches ( 68%)
Head:  19.25 inches ( 94%) atta boy! 

His appointment happened to be perfect timing as I had to pick him up at daycare the day before because of a fever. Doc found double ear infection so we are again on antibiotics and have to go back next week to get his immunizations since they wouldn't do them with his fever. Seems like this kid has been sick most of the winter! Doc's only words of advice were to get rid of the paci! Ugh! I know! But how cute is he sucking on his paci? 

Peek a boo! 

This is his favorite pastime! He LOVES playing in the lazy Susan or pantry and stacking things! He is getting really good at balancing the groceries! He did drop a can of soup on his toe a few weeks ago and ended up with a nasty black toenail! 

 Easy does it! 
 Steady steady

He isn't much for words yet but I am attributing that he has two older siblings to talk for him and he has his paci in his mouth all the time! He does say "more" and can sign it, ball and mom. He does get his point across with lots of pointing and grunting! He is a great listener most of the time and can get his own shoes out, throw things away in the garbage, find his hat, get a diaper, bring us the remote, and pick up toys. He is at the stage where he arches his back whenever trying to get him in the car seat, wants to walk everywhere and runs the opposite direction you want him to.  He is getting good at playing hide and seek and loves to sit on your lap to listen to a book. He has outgrown wanting to be rocked before bed (sniff sniff) but makes up for it by giving great big hugs with his chubby hands and wet slobbery kisses! 

1 comment:

Megan and Shawn said...

Is he really 15 months? Wow that is crazy, and he is CRAZY Adorable. I love the stacking, and love to see the frosting can...lets make some cookies? Such a cute boy.