4 years ago on 10-10 at 3:14 am this big guy entered the world weighing in at 9lbs 3 oz. How can 4 years have gone by in a blink of an eye? When I think of how to describe Case, so many adjectives come to mind! He is fiercely competitive, I mean fierce and will have a complete meltdown if he loses. He is very aggressive, but the first one to give hugs and kisses in the morning and at bedtime.He is a great helper! He can switch from playing video games with this brother to playing barbies with his sister in the same minute. He is a natural athlete and loves all sports! He still wants me to rub his back and lay with him at bedtime and will still hold my hand in public, but don't you dare call him a baby or little boy! He has a wicked temper but a great sense of humor and makes us all laugh with his silliness!
Birthday breakfast at Dunkin Donuts!
He chose Skyzone for his birthday activity and Chicken Coop for birthday dinner!
Thank you so much to everyone who thought of Case on his birthday! Whether you sent a gift, card, phone, text, or FB message he had so much fun being spoiled!
Super excited about his first pair of wrestling shoes!
Our favorite cake lady Echo once again helped us celebrate the big day! Case decided on a baseball theme this time, so baseball cookies for the daycare friends
and a baseball field cake for the rest of us!
Make a wish big guy!
Happy Happy Birthday baby boy! Now, let's just stop time for a bit please!
Case's 4 year old interview ( he was very distracted by a movie that was on, so see if you see a pattern in his answers)
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teenage mutant ninja turtle
What is your favorite thing to play with? Teenage mutant ninja turtles, oh and weapons like the turtles have.
What is your favorite movie? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
What is your favorite food? Spaghetti ( I was afraid he was going to say TMNT)
What is your favorite color? Blue
Who are some of your friends? Sissy and Carter