What a blessed Christmas we had! Over the years our Christmas tradition hasn't detoured much. We do the same routine each year and I love it! I love being in our own home on Christmas eve and morning, spending time at church and our tradition surf and turf Christmas eve dinner.
Getting Santa's cookies ready!
All spiffed up to go to church on Christmas eve, eve!
Prime rib, crab legs, and all the fixins!
Birthday cake for baby Jesus!
After dinner, we open presents from each other! We have stayed with the tradition of doing 3 gifts to represent the 3 gifts baby Jesus received ( as well as to keep our spending in check!)
This year Case got a set of dress up superhero clothes, a tent, and a Nerf bow and arrow set.
Claire got a Chatsters doll, a hair and body salon, and American girl doll accessories.
Carter got Pokemon cards, a PS3 game, and a Nintendo DS game
I got this awesome gift! The kids know me too well...I'm always cold and love the Cyclones!
Sprinkling a little reindeer food and glitter for Santa to find his way! Then it was off to bed!
Christmas morning arrived and I was quite impressed everyone slept until 7am! Santa kept his word and brought each kiddo a Hide A Way pet to add to the giant stuffed animal collection! He also left lots of goodies in our stockings!
Late morning we headed to Jeremy's mom's for brunch and more gifts! Then it is off to Grandma and Grandpa Berry's for dinner and more gifts!
Carter got this awesome dart board that has resulted in many heated battles of cricket and 501!
Case anxiously waiting for Grandma to open her gift!
More American Girl doll clothes!
And last but not least more giant animals to put who knows where! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!
We always take annual Christmas photos at mom and dad's which I love looking at each year!
My sister and I with our Grandma Mehlmann who was able to join us for the day!
Grandma and Grandpa Berry and the grand kids and Great Grandma and the kiddos!
I was lucky enough to get the day after Christmas off so we were able to stay over at mom and dad's that night. Darcie and I were able to take the kids down to see the Christmas lights at Bairds which I am hoping will be another tradition we continue. I wish I had thought to take some pictures. It's been probably 20 years since I have seen these lights and it still amazes me! If you ever get to SW Iowa in December this is a MUST see!